Welcome to Workspaces: Sharing your work
Invite the right people to your work at the right time, and get everyone on the same page
In this series, we’re showing you how to make the most of your Workspace — from organizing designs and staying in sync to sharing them with people inside and outside your Workspace, getting feedback and sending designs for handoff.
In this post you’ll learn how to share documents with Workspace members and Guests, and how to share your Sketch documents across different platforms.
Now that you know what Viewers, Editors and Guests can do in your Workspace, it’s time to explore the sharing options you have for all your Workspace documents. Depending on who you want to share your document with, you can use links, invite via email or even embed your Sketch documents on other platforms, like Notion or your personal website.
Find shared files faster with Shared with Me
If you’re part of a large Workspace with lots of people and Projects, it can be tricky to find the most relevant documents for you. To make it easier, you can find all the documents you’re a part of in the Shared with Me tab. When someone invites you to a document — including draft documents — it will automatically appear in your Shared with Me tab, in both the web app and Mac app.
If you have viewing permissions for a document, it will still appear in the Workspace window — but you’ll only be able to open them in the web app.
Share documents in seconds with links
It’s time to invite people over! If you want to a quickly share a document with someone — or point them toward a specific Artboard — it’s as easy as opening the document or Artboard in the web app and copying the URL. By default, sharing via a link is private, so only other members of your Workspace will be able to see documents this way. To change this, and make viewing via link accessible for anyone, head over to a specific document’s share settings.
When you want to share a specific update with someone via a link, you can copy the URL straight from the browser or click on the … next to each update in the browsable updates history and select Copy link.
Control individual permissions with email invitations
When you invite people to a document by email it’s easy to keep track of who has access and what permissions they have. It’s also handy when you want to remove people or change their access later. When you invite someone to a document who’s not already a member of your Workspace via email, they’ll have to check their inbox to get access. If they’re already a member, the document will instantly appear in their Shared with Me tab.
When you invite people to a document via email, you can see permissions in the Inspector, or view everyone’s access in the Document Settings window.
Share anywhere: Embed your documents
Want to show off your work on other platforms? You can embed Sketch documents in your own website, or in platforms like Notion, Medium and more — anywhere there supports oEmbed, in fact. Embedding documents, Artboards or prototypes like this gives your work context and is a handy way to share your latest project with other people without directly inviting them to your Workspace.
Copy the link to your document, Artboard or prototype and paste it directly into any web page or document that supports oEmbed, such as Notion or Medium. Just make sure your link’s access level is set to View!
What’s next?
In our next post, we’ll show you how your Workspace can help you test your designs with other people and receive feedback throughout the design process so you can create your best work. See you then!