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Install the latest Mac app and iOS app betas for a sneak peek of our latest features and improvements.

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- macOS Monterey (12.0.0) or newer
- To use the Mac app beta you need an active subscription with a Workspace
- Be sure to back up your documents before you try out any pre-release builds
- Documents you use in beta may be incompatible with stable releases
- Our experimental features are also available on the Mac app beta
- Send feedback via the Feedback button in the Mac app’s toolbar (top right corner), or tell us in the forum.

- Requires an iPhone or iPad running iOS 16 / iPadOS 16 or later
- You’ll need to sign in with your Sketch account details on an active subscription
- To get the iOS app beta, first install TestFlight on your device and sign in with your Apple ID
- Enjoying a feature? Found a bug? Share feedback via TestFlight, or let us know on our forum.
Release notes for Mac app beta
Sketch 99.5 (178865) was released on
Requires macOS Monterey (12.0.0) or newer
What’s new
- Almost there! You thought this was going to be version 100, didn’t you? We thought we’d sneak in one smaller update just before it with a few fun quality-of-life improvements and the usual collection of bug fixes.
- New prototype player Playing your prototypes should now feel smoother, faster and more reliable. We’ve rolled out a brand new prototype player that works across the Mac, web and iOS apps and supports advanced display effects like background blurs on scrolling Artboards.
- Automatic saves for Workspace documents We now automatically and regularly save your Workspace documents as you design — this means you don’t need to manually save at all unless you want to create a version. If you want to mark a specific milestone or moment of progress, you can quickly create a new version — and add a description or a star — by using <kbd>^</kbd><kbd>⌘</kbd><kbd>S</kbd>.
What’s improved
- We’ve tidied up the Layer menu — you’ll now find a new Symbol submenu that groups together all Symbol-related actions.
- Tidy now also works on both the horizontal and vertical axes, making it even easier to align layers.
- We’ve added Foresight to the Tidy button in the Inspector — you’ll now see a preview when you hover over it, giving you a better idea of how your changes will look.
What’s changed
- Copying or dragging layers and Artboards from Sketch over to an external app as PNGs now works the same as JPG and TIFF exports, with the correct amount of pixels according to the scale, and always at 72 DPI.
- macOS Sonoma no longer supports converting EPS files, so you won’t be able to import EPS files into Sketch. You’ll need to convert your file to PDF first to import it. Sorry about that!
What’s fixed
- Fixes a bug where the text field wouldn‘t update when editing it.
- Fixes a bug in Smart Layout that would occur when resizing a group’s bounds to values less than zero.
- Fixes a bug that prevented a document’s thumbnail image from displaying after the document has finished processing.
- Fixes a bug in Smart Layout where layers in a group would move unexpectedly when editing text.
- Fixes a bug that caused the Workspace dropdown to display incorrectly in macOS Sonoma.
- Fixes a crash that could occur in the JavaScript API when using overrides from Library Symbols.
- Fixes a bug where applying styles to a Text Layer wouldn’t be applied to all the text.
- When you apply data to overrides it now correctly matches the Layer List order.
- When swapping a Symbol, we’ll now apply the same scaling as the origin Symbol Source.